Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Gosforth East Middle School is a fully inclusive school where all pupils are supported to achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, physical ability or educational needs. We appreciate and value the need for a full range of educational and pastoral support. In addition to a fully qualified SENCo (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator) and a team of LSAs (Learning Support Assistants) we also work closely with our Attendance Officer, School Nurse and various professionals from a wide range of outside agencies including the Educational Psychology Service and SENTASS. School also buys in support from a counsellor to support children with emotional or mental health difficulties, relationships, bereavements and self-esteem issues.
The Purpose of this Document
A new Code of Practice for SEN and D (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and many of the changes are due to be implemented in schools from September 2014. This document is intended to provide parents and carers with information about the ways in which we support our pupils, particularly pupils identified with a special educational need or disability.
This document gives a general overview of the range of educational and pastoral support offered to all of our pupils. We do, however recognise that each child is an individual with their own unique needs and so our practice is continuously modified. This allows us to meet their changing requirements and ensure that they continue to make good progress.
If you would like any further information please contact our SENDCo, Mrs Armstrong, by email emma.armstrong@gosfortheast.newcastle.sch.uk or phone on 0191 2855445.
Our SEND link governor is Mr Jeff Lough
Newcastle City Council Local Offer - Click here