CEIAG – Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.
Our vision
At Gosforth East Middle School we pride ourselves on ensuring we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum that inspires and enthuses students to aim high, allowing them to reach their highest potential. As part of our strive to pursue excellence, we aim to embed ambition and raise aspirations in all of our students, so that they all can move forward in their education and careers in whichever field they wish to pursue.
Our careers programme plays a critical role in challenging assumptions regarding careers. We drive to continually build on our current CEIAG provision to ensure children are fully aware of all the options available to them in the future, both in their education and in the world of work.
CEIAG at Gosforth East Middle School is high-quality, impartial and broad, allowing children to explore many different paths.
We are currently working towards enhancing our programme by aligning with all the Gatsby benchmarks. Many of the 8 benchmarks are already met in depth. The Gatsby benchmarks are intended to run from year 7 to year 13, therefore, at GEMS we cover age appropriate aspects of this. Students will continue their careers' curriculum as they progress into year 9.
We have a PSHCE curriculum that allows for exploration of careers and development of skills for the workplace. We have opportunities during the year to allow children to meet with employers and universities. Each students' needs are addressed with opportunities offered on a personal level.
The activities listed below give a flavour of just some of the extra-curricular opportunities available throughout the year.
- Visit to Cragside to explore the progress Lord Armstrong made within the STEM fields.
- Participation in the Science fare with subsequent visits to local universities.
- Running stalls at School fares and Table Top Sales.
- Entry into the Mock Trial Competition.
- Author Visits to School.
- Guest Speakers in school to lead Career/enterprise themed assemblies.
- Careers day.
- Participation in the Key Group Initiative.
Further information on our careers provision can be found in the scheme of work for PSHCE which is published on our website. Our careers co-ordinator is Miss K Pink Tel: 0191 285 5445
In addition, here are some links that parents can access to help them support their child with careers advice.