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Big Pedal Whole School Assembly

Big Pedal Assembly, Wednesday 25th February 2015.

Get on your Bike ( or scooter!)

Naomi from Sustran came into today's assembly to launch this year's Big Pedal. There are  prizes to be won including a residential trip for the class who records the most points. The Big Pedal celebrates those pupils who already cycle or scoot to school and encourages others to get their bikes and scooters out for two weeks from 2nd March (and hopefully for longer). It isn't just for GEMs pupils though! In addition to pupils being awarded points for their participation they are also win points for any family member who use their bike or scooter for their journeys during the Big Pedal period.

Check out the Big Pedal website for more information:

Bike Club

To link in with the Big Pedal, Miss Hudson is also starting Bike Club. It will be held every Wednesday from 3.20 - 4.20pm.