The Earth Needs You!

The big battery hunt was launched in a KS2 assembly by members of 5SL . We have given out boxes to all of KS2 which we would like them to fill with spent AAA,AA, C and D batteries. The members of 5SL have researched about landfill sites. Land fill sites are not only ugly but can hold up to 4000 elephant’s worth of batteries. They also leak toxic acid into the air causing our planet to be polluted.
The big battery hunt was launched in a KS2 assembly by members of 5SL . We have given out boxes to all of KS2 which we would like them to fill with spent AAA,AA, C and D batteries. The members of 5SL have researched about landfill sites. Land fill sites are not only ugly but can hold up to 4000 elephant’s worth of batteries. They also leak toxic acid into the air causing our planet to be polluted.
One of the members, Holly, encouraged others to see if their parent’s work used batteries so parents could join in the hunt too and boost their form classes totals! Holly’s mum is a nurse and she has given Holly lots of batteries that have been used in the hospital.
Over 1000 batteries have been collected so far and, at present, our top hunter is Daisy from 5EA who has collected 400 batteries which is brilliant...thank-you.
It’s not too late to bring in your batteries. The final totals will be calculated after half term and the winning class and individual announced in whole school assembly on Wednesday 5th June.
Well done to everyone so far and keep hunting. Don’t forget you are doing something amazing for the planet!
By Izzy and Holly