Talking about Talking Books!

The Book Club from Year 5 and 6 have aged to become Year 7 and, in order to keep the group together, the members have decided to start a ‘Key project’ to raise money ...obviously theming the topic around books. After some research, we found a charity called ‘Talking Books’ .
Mrs Leahy immediately contacted the organisation so we could tell them about the Key project and ask if they would be happy to be our chosen charity.
The Book Club from Year 5 and 6 have aged to become Year 7 and, in order to keep the group together, the members have decided to start a ‘Key project’ to raise money ...obviously theming the topic around books. After some research, we found a charity called ‘Talking Books’ .
Mrs Leahy immediately contacted the organisation so we could tell them about the Key project and ask if they would be happy to be our chosen charity.
A lovely woman from Talking Books came into school and we had a meeting about what the charity does. If you don’t know, Talking Books is a branch of the RNIB which helps provide both blind children and adults with audio books so they can enjoy reading with ease—and it’s free of charge
We were shown a video clip about a young boy who was blind and loved the charity as he could enjoy hearing books and talking about them with his sighted friends. It allowed him to feel part of the group. However, audio books are not the cheapest of items. They can cost £1500 to have an audio book recorded and made available. We want to raise this sum of money so that we can provided a new title for visually impaired children to read. We have decided to hold a range of book related fund raising events over the next year and are currently collecting prizes. When the author Peter J Murray came into school he generously donated a signed book and posters along with a rare audio book .
Look out for our fund raising events and please help us to support such a great cause.
Natasha Year 7