Bugsy Malone Blows Minds

The cast of Bugsy Malone had been practising since the beginning of the school year; so much dedication and resilience had been put into this show.
Last year, people signed up to be in the cast while lots of people signed up for backstage crew too. Then this year, Ms Hodgson and Miss Thompson held auditions and then, to great excitement, the cast list was announced. The main characters were Bugsy Malone, Blousy Brown, Fat Sam and Tallulah (weird names I know!). It was great fun during rehearsals especially since splurge (cream) was flying everywhere.
Fat Sam and his gang
The cast of Bugsy Malone had been practising since the beginning of the school year; so much dedication and resilience had been put into this show.
Last year, people signed up to be in the cast while lots of people signed up for backstage crew too. Then this year, Ms Hodgson and Miss Thompson held auditions and then, to great excitement, the cast list was announced. The main characters were Bugsy Malone, Blousy Brown, Fat Sam and Tallulah (weird names I know!). It was great fun during rehearsals especially since splurge (cream) was flying everywhere.
On the 26th of March, Year Fours from our feeder first schools came in to watch the dress rehearsal. Everyone was really excited, but terrified at the same time. The Year Fours kept on laughing which gave us confidence that the show was a success. Over the next two days, tension built as the cast was really nervous about their family and friends coming to watch the show on the 27th and 28th of March.
In spite of the nervousness of the cast (and no doubt the anxiety of the staff), the show went very well and everyone was sad when it was over.
Alice -Evans (the Dummy) said, “It was great when the audience was looking at you”.
“It will be in my memory forever.” Freya (Chorus) said.
Alex (Bugsy Malone) said ,“I really liked doing it and I would like to do it again.”
“It was a very memorable experience and I can’t wait until next year’s show.” Holly (Blousey) commented.
Georgie said, “The dancing was really good” (part of the audience).
“The acting was top notch and some of the actors could be on Broadway!” commented Samaha.
By Katie, Freya 7KW and Georgie 7HTH
Tallulah played by Sophia