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Launchpad Cake Sale and Non-uniform Day

We are a group of children in Year 8, Abbie, Bethan, Finn, Muntaha and Phoebe, and have been involved in a project focusing on Launchpad, a charity that supports mental health service users. We are doing the project as a part of the Key, which is a charity that helps young people develop multiple life skills, including teamwork and problem solving. We have presented our ideas to the Key, who awarded us £250 to carry out our project.

We are a group of children in Year 8, Abbie, Bethan, Finn, Muntaha and Phoebe, and have been involved in a project focusing on Launchpad, a charity that supports mental health service users. We are doing the project as a part of the Key, which is a charity that helps young people develop multiple life skills, including teamwork and problem solving. We have presented our ideas to the Key, who awarded us £250 to carry out our project.

On Friday January 19th, we are holding a non-uniform to raise money and awareness for the charity: the cost for this is £1. We will also be holding a bake sale at break time and lunchtime selling cakes, sweets and snacks. Any donations of cakes will be gratefully received, and can be brought to school on Thursday or Friday. Please make sure that no cakes contain nuts, as several members of the school have severe nut allergies.

On top of that, there will also be a movie afternoon on Friday February 9th, which we would appreciate a donation for – the suggested donation is £1. Launchpad will also be running workshops for Key Stage 3 and an assembly for Key Stage 2 sometime this term.

We hope to raise as much money as possible for this worthy cause.