Female Engineers

Fourteen pupils from GEMs had the opportunity of visiting GE Oil and Gas. However, these pupils were all females, this is because engineering in general is thought to be a man’s job, but as I and these other girls learnt, it really isn’t! The majority of engineering companies are looking to employ young, ambitious students and more females; especially GE Oil and Gas.
Girls dolled up...in a different way
Fourteen pupils from GEMs had the opportunity of visiting GE Oil and Gas. However, these pupils were all females, this is because engineering in general is thought to be a man’s job, but as I and these other girls learnt, it really isn’t! The majority of engineering companies are looking to employ young, ambitious students and more females; especially GE Oil and Gas.
Our trip didn’t get off to a great start, as Mrs Lambeth just couldn’t seem to open the mini bus that we’d anticipated using to get there. As she kept trying, the horn kept honking and I’m surprised we didn’t disrupt the entire school, with how loud that horn was ! After many attempts, she found Mr Evans, who opened the mini bus for us. We were slightly behind schedule but that didn’t matter. The real trip hadn’t even started and I had never laughed so much.
Once we did arrive, we joined another school and watched a presentation about engineering. After that we were able to go into the manufacturing factory, for which we had to take precautions for. We wore a helmet, a bright jacket, goggles and ear plugs, as work was in progress and it was very loud.
After many girls repetitively dropped their ear plugs and had to receive more, we finally were able to explore the factory. It was highly interesting learning what sort of things these people did and how they worked. Despite achieving a degree in engineering not being my particular dream, surely it inspired lots of girls.
Once we had explored the factory and were back in the presentation room (with all of the safety clothes taken off!), we were very happy when we were given a can of pop and a packet of crisps. While drinking and eating, a lady engineer and our tour guide answered many questions. It was nice to be able to ask anything you wanted about engineering and different aspects of it.
We got back to school for lunch (without getting lost, honking horns or bumping into any more trees J.)
By Charlotte Year 7
We look like ants in this photo!