The Home of Cars (Well, one of them)

On Monday 12th of June, 6NS travelled to Nissan in Sunderland (the other classes went on later dates) by bus supplied by Nissan themselves- no complicated metro journeys. We started off by getting into 5 teams of 6; red, orange, yellow, green and blue (first 5 colours of the rainbow!) Our 1st task was to create our own car with our partners using the LEGO set they supplied us with, no instructions. Then, we had to show everyone our cars and tell them the name. TOO MUCH PRESSURE!
Move over Bob the Builder
On Monday 12th of June, 6NS travelled to Nissan in Sunderland (the other classes went on later dates) by bus supplied by Nissan themselves- no complicated metro journeys. We started off by getting into 5 teams of 6; red, orange, yellow, green and blue (first 5 colours of the rainbow!) Our 1st task was to create our own car with our partners using the LEGO set they supplied us with, no instructions. Then, we had to show everyone our cars and tell them the name. TOO MUCH PRESSURE!
We then, in our teams got a different LEGO car set, with instructions (thankfully) and everyone in the teams got a role; construction A, construction B, construction C, construction D, inspector/ time manager E and material handler F. A started the car then yelled “DONE” and F ran all the way to A and moved it a millimetre to give it to B. Then B built some more, yelled “done” and F gave it to C etc. Until D, where the car was finished and handed to E. E inspected the car for any incorrectly placed pieces or gaps. Meanwhile, E timed all of this and gave the time to the recorder and
then they told us who got the quickest time. We did this several times before lunch. Afterwards, we went to a training workshop where there was a mini race track with toy cars. We had a competition to see who can get the quickest time. We first did pupil against pupil and then the fastest time (Sana for 6NS) went against our teacher (Mr. Salkeld for 6NS). (Sana won that for 6NS!)
Then, we did some challenges. We first got a sheet of metal and we had to use a hammer to bash out the dents. Then, we had to use a screwdriver to insert screws into holes and then take them out. The 3rd challenge was to find one nut out of lots of bolts, then three bolts. Next, we had to put rubber circles into holes. Then, we had to put pegs in holes.
Before we went to Nissan, we had to design a logo for Monozukuri Caravan. The winner was announced and they won a certificate, a water bottle, some LEGO and some more ‘loot’.To end the day on a high, everyone got a special bag filled with goodies.
By Katie, Sana and Freya 6NS
Robots can draw!
Excitement at the finish line
Amy’s looking happy
Ready to get started