Mini Tennis Tournament!
On Friday 28th April, a group of Year 7s and Year 8s went to a mini tennis tournament at Churchill High School. We took a coach there in the morning and came back in time for lunch. At the event there were three schools; Gosforth East Middle School, the Royal Grammar School (RGS) and Churchill High School. We were playing against Year 10s who were from RGS - quite a big age gap there! Our team was split up into four teams, which were then split up again, into four groups of two. Half of the group from each team then played each other, as well as the two teams from RGS and the one team from Churchill High. The results were as follows: the two teams from the Royal Grammar School came 1st and 2nd receiving a gold and silver medal and a plate to take back for winning. 3rd place was one of our teams! James McGrath, Tim Renshaw, Isaac Douch and Cameron Pears (Team 3) who happily showed off their bronze medals to the other teams as well as when we were walking back into school!
On Friday 28th April, a group of Year 7s and Year 8s went to a mini tennis tournament at Churchill High School. We took a coach there in the morning and came back in time for lunch. At the event there were three schools; Gosforth East Middle School, the Royal Grammar School (RGS) and Churchill High School. We were playing against Year 10s who were from RGS - quite a big age gap there! Our team was split up into four teams, which were then split up again, into four groups of two. Half of the group from each team then played each other, as well as the two teams from RGS and the one team from Churchill High. The results were as follows: the two teams from the Royal Grammar School came 1st and 2nd receiving a gold and silver medal and a plate to take back for winning. 3rd place was one of our teams! James McGrath, Tim Renshaw, Isaac Douch and Cameron Pears (Team 3) who happily showed off their bronze medals to the other teams as well as when we were walking back into school!
During the event, while half of the teams were playing tennis, the other half took part in a few exercises. These could have earned them a few extra points to determine the finishing places. The exercises were mostly focused on accuracy and hand eye co-ordination. We had to kick a tennis ball into a hoop, rally on court, and catch a ball in a cone. There were also other activities: counting how many keepy ups you could do with a football and with a tennis ball on a racket; catching a tennis ball in one hand and throwing it with the other; finally, throwing a tennis ball, with your partner trying to hit it into the hoop with a football.
By Katie 8KJ