GEMS Winter Festival - Entry Requirements
Here are updates on the GEMS Winter Festival, with details of the entry requirements for each category.
Here are updates on the GEMS Winter Festival, with details of the entry requirements for each category. For the description of the festival, see here.
Winter Festival Work Submissions: Minimum Entry Requirements
Every pupil is expected to take part and homework has been adjusted to allow for this. The deadline for submissions is 3.20 pm on Friday 10th February.
All work should be presented to a high standard (either hand-written or word-processed depending on your preference).
In every category, judges will be looking for original work. Writing should show a range of structures: different ways of opening sentences, punctuation used to guide your reader, a range of vocabulary- used specifically and for effect. We look forward to seeing your best work.
Photo competition: All photos to be accompanied by a description of at least 60 words of the photo/the setting/the way in which the photo was captured/the conditions of the day etc
All basic punctuation should be correct: capital letters and full stops to be used correctly throughout.
You should take care over spelling and ensure you are as accurate as possible. Use a dictionary to check your work and to look up ambitious spellings.
Musical Extravaganza:
For original songs: you should submit a set of lyrics presented to a high standard.
You should ensure your song links to our winter theme.
You should take time to spell words in your song correctly.
You should consider your structure and language choices carefully and be able to explain your choices.
You should use a range of language features where appropriate to fit with your song.
For arrangements of existing pieces: you should submit a description (minimum 60 words) which describes the piece of music and explains your musical choices. What have you have done differently from the original and why? How does the music reflect winter? etc
All basic punctuation should be correct: capital letters and full stops to be used correctly throughout.
You should take care over spelling and ensure you are as accurate as possible. Use a dictionary to check your work and to look up ambitious spellings.
You should ensure your play links to our winter theme.
You should take time to spell words in your script correctly and to lay it out correctly – you should see Ms Thompson for more details about the correct way to lay out a script. If you wish to perform the play on February 17th, you will need to set aside plenty of practice time and tell Ms Thompson about your wish to perform so that the schedule can be organised.