Captivating Castle Keep
On the 2nd and 5th of December, the Year 8s went on an engaging visit to Newcastle’s Castle Keep. The trip included a visit to the roof, where you could see most of Newcastle City and Gateshead spread out before you but, unfortunately, an appointment with the basement had to be made!
On the 2nd and 5th of December, the Year 8s went on an engaging visit to Newcastle’s Castle Keep. The trip included a visit to the roof, where you could see most of Newcastle City and Gateshead spread out before you but, unfortunately, an appointment with the basement had to be made!
During the trip, we learnt about what it was like in the English Civil War, what domestic life was like, what kind of things the armies wore and even how to fight with spears!
“It was very good and very enjoyable,” said Elise, in 8SF.
By Abigail, 8SF