‘Goodnight Mr Tom’ at the Theatre Royal

The year 5 and 6 book groups went to see 'Goodnight Mr Tom' at the Theatre Royal.

William's friend Zach, another refugee, takes centre stage
Year 5 and 6 book groups have recently read “ Goodnight Mr Tom” by Michelle Magorian and we loved it. So, on the 17th of May, we went to see the show which was on at Newcastle Theatre Royal. At 2:00pm, the lights went down and the play started. The story, set during World War Two, is about a boy called William Beech, who is evacuated from London to the country and taken into the care of Mr Tom Oakley. To begin with, Mr Tom is very lonely as his wife and son have died. However, when William joins Mr Tom, his life becomes a joy. Some parts of the show were very tear-jerking while others were very funny. Sadly, we can’t give away any spoilers, but I’ll just say that the last scene is very touching. At one particularly moving moment in the play, the actor playing Mr Tom said his line and then, as if on cue, the entire audience went “Ahh!” During the interval, we bought some ice-cream . We thoroughly enjoyed the performance and recommend that you see the play if you get the chance. Even better still, read the book.
By Sana Year 5

Excitedly waiting for the performance to start

Outside the Theatre Royal - a Grade 1 listed building did you know?