
GEMS took part in Readathon to raise money for children's hospitals.
Across the school, an exciting event has been taking place- members of our school have been reading as many books as possible. Why you may ask? The answer is to raise money for a brilliant cause Readathon! It officially started in school on the 17th of March; however, the dead-line for completion has had to be extended by a few weeks because the busy readers haven’t yet collected in all the sponsorship money.
Readathon gets children reading for fun through its sponsored read in schools but, importantly, the money raised goes to buy books for children’s hospitals all over the country- a mobile bookcase jam-packed full of brand new books which are replenished every six weeks - and pays for story tellers to go regularly into hospitals to read to seriously ill children. If you missed the event in school but still want to take part and raise funds for this amazing cause you can go on to the website and sign up. It may have ended in our school but it is there for you all year round on line. The website is
By Freya Year 5