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Live Tales!

On four specific dates, all four Year 6 classes paid a visit to the fabulous Live Tales. In the heart of Newcastle city centre, we journeyed along the Quayside and turned into a small alleyway that led to a building. That building was Live Tales, and there we were greeted by spectacular friendly staff. We were led upstairs, and there the magic began. After some fun & games, we all made up the beginning of a story together. 6NG’s was hilariously funny – it was about a purple-skinned fire demon named Craig who lived in a candy land on Pluto with his pet duck-faced dog named Patricia!

On four specific dates, all four Year 6 classes paid a visit to the fabulous Live Tales. In the heart of Newcastle city centre, we journeyed along the Quayside and turned into a small alleyway that led to a building. That building was Live Tales, and there we were greeted by spectacular friendly staff. We were led upstairs, and there the magic began. After some fun & games, we all made up the beginning of a story together. 6NG’s was hilariously funny – it was about a purple-skinned fire demon named Craig who lived in a candy land on Pluto with his pet duck-faced dog named Patricia!

After that, we were sent away with clipboards, paper and pencils to write what happened next in the story. Some of us got to read out our stories! Then the grumpy boss, Mr Roberts, who said that children can’t write, was apparently surprised by our talent – he read out some snippets of stories and got the writers to stand up and take a bow. We then got little booklets with the beginnings of the story that our class had written together and space to write more.

We journeyed home (6NG had snow to accompany them) and arrived back just in time for 4th sitting lunch. The trip was amazing and I really enjoyed it!

By Mina 6NG