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Accenture Trip

From the 14th-16th June a handful of pupils from Year 8 went to visit the company Accenture, a worldwide technology company. We learnt how to make a website using coding such as HTML and CSS and also got an insight into what it is like to work for a huge company like Accenture. 

Coding away to get ready for the final presentations
From the 14th-16th June a handful of pupils from Year 8 went to visit the company Accenture, a worldwide technology company. We learnt how to make a website using coding such as HTML and CSS and also got an insight into what it is like to work for a huge company like Accenture. 
Accenture has clients in 56 countries. So, as you can probably guess, it is a very big and important company. It makes software for over 200 companies and has an annual revenue of roughly $31 billion. Even though it is such a gigantic company, the offices were surprisingly quiet and some quite empty. This is because people are called out to different places in the country, even the world, to do jobs.
On the first day, we arrived at Accenture at 9:00am and were immediately taken upstairs to a large meeting room with huge plasma TVs and walls that you could write on! We were all very impressed when we were taken on a tour of the building because it was very big and had lots of tech-filled offices and board rooms. However, the highlight of the trip was definitely having the freedom to walk about and get cups of tea and coffee whenever we wanted!
After the tour all of us sat down in the meeting room named ‘Alnwick’. We told the leaders about our computing abilities and rated ourselves out of 5 as to how good we thought we were at computing, coding in particular. The lowest somebody rated themselves was 0 and the highest was 3.5 . To help you understand how good 5 would be It would be as good as Bill Gates!
After that we got our own laptop to use for the three day visit and opened a program called Notebook++ which is a coding program. We then learnt how to do some simple code to make the base of a webpage such as hyperlinks, inserting photos and adding text. We then improved our skills in making this webpage over the three days and on the very last day we worked in groups to produce a webpage to show to some of the employees of Accenture. Overall it was a great experience and we definitely will not forget it.
None of us really knew what we wanted to do as a job in the future and coding didn't really come into our heads. However, this visit helped us all realise how dependant the world is on technology and some of us are now considering perusing coding as a future career. Especially since technology is evolving so quickly and there are jobs that don’t exist now that will in the future that we would be well equipped to take up.
By Erin, 8AD and Amy, 8MB
All of us together
Reporting what we had learned over the three days
We found out a lot of surprising facts about Accenture.
All about us, Accenture and coding
 Updating our scores to show how much we learned